Welcome to Peak Performance


Connecting the Dots Between Career Wellness, Emotional and Physical Health for Executives

I offer a three-tiered program for leaders at any stage of their career. In this program, you'll learn how to manage stress, improve your emotional intelligence, and optimize your physical health - all to unlock your full potential and achieve peak performance. My goal is to empower you to reach new heights in both your personal and professional life.


Sound Familiar...

Tired of burning the candle at both ends and getting nowhere?

Sick of feeling like your relationships at home and work are on life support?

Fed up with your coffee and workouts doing the opposite of making you feel better - leaving you drained and angry at the end of each day?

And when was the last time you felt like yourself and had a good night's sleep?

I know you feel stuck and frustrated, with no clear path on how to achieve the success you crave both personally and professionally:

  • What if I told you that there might be something else holding you back from seeing the results you want? Something that's been lurking beneath the surface, sabotaging your efforts and keeping you from reaching your true potential?
  • You might feel like you don't have the resources or the skills to make it to the top, or you're just not cut out for the high-pressure world of leadership.
  • I get it- you have tried to out work everyone else, be creative and listen to others, or maybe you have worked out everyday thinking this is the solution to your "success". 
  • Success happens for others, but not you? But, what if you are taking the wrong approach?

Imagine if...

  • You could eliminate the stress and frustration of trying to  puzzle piece  your emotional intelligence, physical fitness, and career wellness all on your own. .
  • You had the support and guidance of experienced leaders who not only understand your challenges but could also help you overcome them and reach your full potential in all aspects of your life?
  • You could finally achieve the success you crave without sacrificing your well-being, relationships, or values because you have a proven system and a community of like-minded leaders committed to your success.
  • You didn't have to guess your path to success anymore.

What if you had a seat at the table and the KPI's were done for you -the roadmap, the coaching, the accountability, the resources - so you could focus on what really matters and enjoy the journey to your next level of leadership?

There is NOTHING more important than your WELLNESS

You have to make it a priority!


I was like you, working out five days a week for my "health", doing morning affirmations, drinking Chamomile tea and supplements galore to keep it all going, but I never focused on my mental health aka emotional intelligence. I was doing everything I was told, but it didn't seem to matter. 

It wasn't until I lost it all in 2018, due to a nervous system collapse that I realized I was doing ALL the wrong things. I was looking for everything outside of myself to help, but it was never going to help... So I needed to look internally.

The missing link-EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. I will be honest; the connection between your stress and emotional intelligence affects EVERY aspect of your life. 

I want you to know you're not alone. Every executive I've met says they struggle with this, affecting every area of their lives: their work, relationships, and productivity.

I also know it's easy to blame the distractions for our inability to make changes…let's be honest IF something matters enough, you WILL find time for it, and I hope you see YOURSELF as that "something" that matters...if so, read on! 


The Peak Performance Framework


Is this for you?


Evolve is designed specifically for new leaders who need guidance in stress management and emotional intelligence as they navigate their new roles. We'll help you develop the skills and strategies you need to manage stress and stay healthy, so you can focus on achieving your goals and leading your team with confidence.


Is this for you?


Impact is designed to empower mid-level leaders to create real change in their own lives and the lives of their employees. Our approach helps you identify blind spots and connect more deeply with your team, while also addressing the negative impact of stress on your health and performance. By building emotional intelligence, increasing mental and physical capacity, and focusing on career wellness, you'll develop the skills and habits needed to thrive as a leader.


Is this for you?


Transform is an exclusive program designed for C-suite leaders who want to leverage emotional intelligence, behavior modification, and stress reduction to drive business growth. By prioritizing executive wellness, we help improve employee retention and establish effective systems and programs that support long-term success. Whether you're looking to enhance your leadership skills, overcome blind spots, or build a culture of well-being in your organization, Transform provides you with the tools and support you need to achieve your goals.

YOU GET THE IDEA, the importance of taking care of yourself as a leader, but it's not always easy. Long hours, high stress, and constant demands can take a toll on your emotional and physical health, leaving you feeling drained and unfulfilled in your career.

Our program is designed to help leaders at any level harness emotional intelligence, behavior modification, and stress reduction to reach their peak performance.

We know the challenges that leaders at all levels face, and we are here to help you find your blind spots, connect with your team, increase your mental and physical capacity, and achieve career wellness. Because when you prioritize your health and well-being, you not only become a better leader, but you also inspire your team to do the same.


When you apply the Peak Performance program, you will be match based on level of leadership and skills you are hoping to master.

This is an application ONLY program, so don't miss out on this opportunity to achieve your full potential as a leader. 

When you Apply:

  • You'll come away with a plan to improve your emotional and physical health, you know..find the chill button so you can stop sweating the small stuff.
  • You'll come away with the skills to generate impact in your work and connect with your team, perfect for people who want to enhance their leadership abilities and advance their career.
  • You'll come away with a toolkit to create a stress-free work environment without sacrificing productivity, so you can boost your bottom line without burning out.

And you'll be able to achieve all of this with one extra invaluable resource... ME!

You are getting an RN with over a decade of health experience, coupled with over 15 years of leadership experience...




Unmatched Support
Weekly Support

We embrace bold action and swift outcomes here, which is why we'll be conducting weekly ZOOM calls that allow ample time for implementation. Rest assured, if you happen to miss any of these sessions, we'll have them recorded for your convenience.

Hot Seat Questions

Prior to our upcoming call, please submit your questions and receive personalized coaching tailored to your unique needs. Not only will you benefit from receiving feedback, but others on the call will also gain valuable insights from the discussion. Our level of engagement and collaboration on these topics is unparalleled.

Office Hours

Make the most of the additional hours available to you during this time, which are tailored to your specific needs. Whether you require assistance with a team event or a personal struggle, this is the opportunity to receive the support you need. Don't let this valuable time go to waste.

Unlimited Access

Enjoy unlimited access to our extensive collection of resources, videos, templates, and coaching materials at any time you need them. This comprehensive vault of information will serve as your guiding compass throughout our time together, providing you with the tools and insights you need to achieve your goals.


As part of our program, you will have the opportunity to join a vibrant community of leaders who are facing similar challenges and working together to overcome them. This is a space where everyone has a seat at the table, and you'll be able to engage with others who share your goals and aspirations. 

Private Coaching 

As part of your program, you may have the opportunity to book one or two 60-minute private coaching sessions with me, depending on the specific program you're enrolled in. During these sessions, we'll have the chance to work through topics of your choosing, giving you personalized guidance and support. 


Peak Performance Framework

360 Degrees of Executive Wellness
  • Emotional Intelligence--> Emotional Intelligence is more than "feelings", it's about finding your blind spots and dealing with everyday emotional challenges. This is all connected to your physical and career wellness. 
  • Physical Wellness --> Tied to your emotional intelligence is your physical wellness. This is where we look at where you are missing the mark on your health routine. This could be workouts and nutrition combined. 
  • Career Wellness --> Leaders need personal development to grow and be successful. This is where we break down your career and what type of leader you want to be. 


Tiffany Spencer, the CEO and Founder of A Mindset by Design, boasts extensive expertise in nursing and sales.

With over two decades of experience, she established A Mindset by Design, The Boardroom Membership, and Peak Performance Coaching to address a crucial gap in leadership development.

Her unwavering commitment to personal growth drives her mission to inspire individuals and organizations to reach their peak performance in and out of the office.



"Tiffany's insight is brilliant! She approaches the hard work with wisdom and compassion and helps her clients discover patterns and beliefs that are keeping them stuck. She has a wonderful way of walking in the world and is as real as they get! (She is a lot of fun too!!)"

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Peak Performance: Where Executive Wellness Meets High Performance

Get there in record time with our proven framework.


What if you could unlock your full potential and achieve peak performance in every area of your life? Our comprehensive wellness framework is designed to do just that, by enhancing your emotional intelligence, physical health, and career success. With instant access to all course materials, including future updates, you'll have the tools and support you need to succeed.

Here are some of the benefits you'll gain from our coaching program:

  • Improved emotional intelligence: Learn to identify and address emotional blind spots to better manage everyday challenges.
  • Better physical health: Get the guidance you need to improve your health routine, from workouts to nutrition and beyond.
  • Enhanced career success: Grow as a leader and develop the skills and mindset you need to achieve your professional goals.
  • Proven framework: Our approach is based on a proven framework designed to guide you every step of the way.
  • Tools and support: From personalized coaching to unlimited access to course materials, we provide the tools and support you need to succeed.
  • Don't settle for mediocrity: Join us and experience the transformative power of Peak Performance.

This work challenges you in many ways. The resistance to what you’ve held onto for so long can feel intimidating at times. But Tiffany’s knowledge, guidance, passion and love make sure that you reach the goals you’ve envisioned for yourself. From her program I have gained so many lifelong tools. She has helped me to finally find a way to manage and decrease my anxiety. I have had a decrease in many symptoms (dizziness, numbness/weakness, breathing issues, heart palpitations, adrenal crashes, thinning hair, fatigue). 


Tiffany is an excellent communicator with our team and provides excellent follow up and direction. She will work to find solutions that everyone can appreciate. I like her take “charge” approach to getting things accomplished. I have so much to say and not enough room to write it all!


Tiffany, THANK YOU for being a huge part of my healing journey! Thank you for taking what you’ve learned to help heal yourself and using it to help others. This gift you’ve given me is more than words can describe. It’s beyond my ability to encompass the DEEP gratitude I have for you. AND…thank you for continuing to mentor me as I help other women interrupt their cycles of chaos, change their trajectory, and own their life so they too can thrive in the muddy mess left behind from the storms of life.


Tiffany also has the unique ability to connect with and influence stakeholders at all levels of an organization. As a coach and as a team trainer, Tiffany is an authentic and impactful mentor. She quickly assesses a situation and delivers a needed solution, provides detailed product and process information in an easy to understand manner, and motivates you to achieve your best results.

Medical Sales Representative

Peak Performance Starts NOW 


Let Me Answer Some Questions For You!

The Boardroom Membership

If you are looking for a more flexible program that is on your own terms, check out our newest Membership offer!

Your seat at the table awaits you!

The boardroom membership